
The rules for this contest is given by the ICPC regional contest rules, with the following clarifications and additions:

What am I allowed to bring to the contest floor?

  • Any written material (Books, manuals, handwritten notes, printed notes, etc).
  • Pens, pencils, blank paper, stapler and other useful non-electronic office equipment.
  • NO material in electronic form (USB drives, CDs, etc.).
  • NO electronic devices (Smartphones, -watches, etc.).

Behaviour during the contest

Before the contest begins, you are allowed to log in on your assigned computer, and log in on the submission system. You may do nothing else with the computer (such as starting to write code). You may not touch the problem set before the contest has started.

Contestants are only allowed to communicate with members of their own team, and the organisers of the contest. You may not surf the web (except for allowed content), read e-mail, chat, or similar things. The only network traffic you may generate is from submitting problem solutions, and access to content specified by the local organisers.


Competitive Programming Ulm
AltaSigma GmbH
Thank you to AltaSigma GmbH, who kindly sponsored the infrastructure the contest judge runs on.

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